Spaying & Neutering

Spaying and neutering help control population, manage behaviour, and reduce health risks.

Spaying/neutering is part of your responsibilities as a cat owner. It is a crucial part of ensuring that your feline friend has a great quality of life. By spaying/neutering your cat, you are setting them on the pathway to a long, healthy life.

What is spaying or neutering?

Spaying/neutering a cat is an elective surgical procedure that ensures they cannot reproduce.

When should I neuter/spay my cat?

By spaying/neuter your cat, you are significantly reducing their risk of developing a serious condition, such as pyometra, mammary tumours, prostate-related issues, cancers and many more complications.

What is the procedure to spay/neuter a cat?

Spaying and neutering are both elective surgeries performed under general anesthetic. Our clinic offers these procedures in the morning from Monday through Friday.

We start to admit patients into the hospital between 7:30 – 8:00 am. Your cat will spend the majority of the day with us. Once the surgeon has arrived, we start to do our pre-surgical physical examinations. After the physical exam, we give sedative and pain management. Once under anesthetic, the procedure is performed by our seasoned veterinarians while being closely monitored by our rockstar surgical team.

After your cat has had time to rest and recover from surgery, we offer a small meal and water. By this point, one of your surgery team members will have already touched base with you to let you know how your feline friend did during surgery. We start setting up discharge appointments (a short ~10-minute appointment to review home care) between 2:00 – 8:00 pm. You will be sent home with a detailed discharge sheet, a few days of continuing pain medications, and an e-collar.

Our lovely client care specialists will give you a call a few days later to check up and make sure your cat has bounced back to its regular self.

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